by susan.denisi | Sep 1, 2024 | Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter
Getting your furnace serviced in September is a smart choice for several reasons—like the nice weather, perfect timing for the season ahead, and, of course, safety. At Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati, we want to help you get ready for fall and even more for...
by susan.denisi | Sep 16, 2022 | Air Filter, Back-to-school, Blog, Cincinnati, Fall, Fall preparation, Five Star, HVAC, iWave-R, OH, Thermostat, Viruses
School lunches, homework, and waking up early are just some things that pop into our minds when we think of the back-to-school season. For many, this time of the year is a mixture of bitter and sweet. While for other people, it is the time of the year that allows for...