by susan.denisi | Sep 30, 2022 | AC, Air Conditioner, Central Air, Cincinnati, Cooling, Cooling Power, Easy Automation, Five Star, Ohio, Pros and Cons, Temperature, Window Unit
Do you know the differences between window air conditioners and central air conditioning systems? There are a number of pros and cons for each. So, is it smarter to use one over the other? Honestly, the correct answer lies within your cooling needs. Whether you need...
by susan.denisi | Sep 2, 2022 | AC, Blog, Ceiling Fan, Cincinnati, Cool Air, Do's and Don'ts, Energy Efficient, Five Star, OH, Ohio, Summer
As homeowners, it’s a no-brainer that we try to save money where we can. Pinching pennies where you may seem like a daunting task. Perhaps you’ve found a few ways to help your household save money and cut back on certain areas. If so, great! One thing that...
by susan.denisi | Jun 7, 2022 | Vacation, AC, Air Conditioner, Blog, Cincinnati, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Summer, Thermostat
Summer vacation is the perfect time to kick up your feet and relax. Whether you want to lay on the beach, swim in a lake, or take it easy in a cabin, you probably are more than ready for your much-anticipated rest and family fun! Five Star Heating & Cooling...
by susan.denisi | Apr 8, 2022 | AC, Blog, Cincinnati, HVAC, OH, Ohio, SMA, Spring, Tip & Tricks
Spring is the air which means temperatures will start warming up soon. This means that now is the perfect time to get your residential HVAC system prepared and ready to handle the heat in the next few months. Of course, as a homeowner, you may already have a running...