4 Reasons Why Cincinnati, Ohio Homeowners Should Get a Fall Tune-up in September

Sep 1, 2024 | Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter

Getting your furnace serviced in September is a smart choice for several reasons—like the nice weather, perfect timing for the season ahead, and, of course, safety. At Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati, we want to help you get ready for fall and even more for winter. If you skip the safety check and tune-up, you might miss some furnace issues right when you need it the most. So, let’s take a look at four reasons why tuning up your furnace in September is a great idea! 

Reason NUmber One: The Weather Is a Great Time for a Fall Tune-up   

You might be wondering, “Why now?” Well, getting your furnace tuned up this month really makes sense! Experts usually recommend checking and tuning your furnace before you start using it for the season. So, for most people, this service is typically done at the end of summer or the beginning of fall.  

As a heads-up: when we service your furnace, we’ll have to turn it off so our techs can check it out safely and thoroughly. Scheduling this HVAC service for this month is a smart move with the weather! 

Reason NUmber Two: It’s Not a Busy Time for a Fall Tune-up 

As we move into fall, HVAC repairs, replacements, and upgrades usually ramp up later in the year. But with the demand for air conditioners dropping in September, things are a bit quieter right now. So, what does that mean for you? It means you’ll likely be first in line to book your appointment. Don’t wait for the last-minute rush—schedule your tune-up and safety check today! 

Reason NUmber Three: Because Winter Coming Is a Fantastic Reason to Get a Fall Tune-up 

Winter’s on its way, so why not book your tune-up now? We all know what comes next weather-wise, so there’s no reason to wait to get ready for those chilly months ahead. It’s a good move to schedule your yearly furnace tune-up and safety check in early fall if you can. You want your heating unit prepped for Ohio’s freezing winter weather! Just think about it; the last thing you want in the middle of winter is for your furnace to start acting up, especially when a quick fall tune-up could have avoided it! 

Reason NUmber Four: The Safety Aspect Is an Important Reason to Get a Fall Tune-up  

Did you know carbon monoxide poisoning can be pretty common in winter? It usually happens because we use furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines more often. The National Safety Council recommends having your furnace, water heater, or any coal-burning appliance checked by a licensed technician at least once a year. Skipping this can be risky for you, your family, and your home. By keeping up with those yearly furnace checkups, you help make sure it runs smoothly during the cold months and give your technician a chance to catch any potential issues before they turn into big problems. 

In short, we really think scheduling your fall HVAC tune-up for September is the way to go if you can swing it. But hey, we totally understand—life can throw curveballs, and sometimes things get pushed back. So, if September passes you by, no worries! You can still set up your furnace tune-up in October or early November.  

Last but not least, as a nice “bonus reason,” staying on top of your yearly furnace maintenance checks helps keep your manufacturer’s warranty valid. If that doesn’t make scheduling your tune-up a no-brainer, we’re not sure what will! 

Call Five Star Heating & Cooling Cincinnati today at (513) 216-5011, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!